Friday, October 2, 2009

Name That Foot

Here we all are. Every year as the sister's gather we take a foot picure. You might notice that we had a stranger with us this year. Can you identify the other seven feet?


The Queen Vee said...

I can but it would be cheating....Gummy foot....YUM!

Apis Melliflora said...

Well, I'll try for the Queen. Jammies don't look ironed, so that rules out a few. I think the black pants is the Queen.

Megan Of Parker said...

From severed foot clockwise: Laura, Anne, Sylvia, Julie, Victoria, Dianna, Linda. I can only really tell the non-nelson feet. And yours. I would know your feet like I would know my own. :) I could have Laura and Anne mixed up. This is a hard challenge.

Tobi said...

I love the severed foot. It looks like it would be an awesome Halloween prop!!

Crazy Granny said...

I'll give you a couple of hints. Deanna always has the most tan foot, and Megan is right, she knows my foot. I'm the one with the long black pants.